For nearly two decades, Offender Management Services has delivered superior electronic monitoring services to courts and law enforcement agencies who need safe and exceptionally reliable community supervision programs as a requirement of a defendant’s release.
Offender Management Service’s highly trained personnel has supervised thousands to millions of days of electronic monitoring in the Southeastern markets.
Offender Management Services combines the latest technology with decades of law enforcement and criminal justice experience to provide superior service and support. Offender Management Service’s reliable electronic monitoring solutions integrate into existing agency systems and Offender Management Service’s experienced personnel provides guidance and attention throughout the entire process.
Electronic monitoring services assist defendants and corrections agencies in several stages of the justice system:
Defendants awaiting trial can be monitored remotely without requiring imprisonment Offenders can be restricted from a specific geographic area and law enforcement is alerted if the offender enters the area
Established curfew hours can be enforced
Court orders may require a parolee to wear an electronic monitoring device that monitors his/her location
House arrest, home confinement, ankle monitoring, drug testing, and alcohol monitoring are other instances where electronic monitoring serves as an effective accountability solution
Our highly skilled personnel is committed to knowing the requirements of working with law enforcement agencies and jails, prosecutor and defense needs, and the needs of those involved in probation and parole. Offender Management Services offers offender and agency-funded programs, with flexible solutions to meet the needs of our clients.
Offender Management Services is an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer and participates in a Drug-Free Workplace Program.

Make Contact
To schedule a demonstration or for more information about Offender Management Service’s Electronic Monitoring Services, contact our corporate office:
Phone: 803-814-3216
Toll-Free: 1-877-725-7031
Email: service@offendermanagement.com
Call Now

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