Offender Management Services incorporates and tailors our community supervision services to accommodate the needs of the court and to help the defendant successfully comply with the court-ordered conditions – at no cost to the local court, taxpayer, or government.
Personalized Programs & Professional Installation
Offender Management Servies offers exceptionally reliable alcohol and drug monitoring services for defendants requiring special conditions of release. Offender Management Services will customize a monitoring program that meets the needs of your Court or Agency.
Monitoring equipment can often be installed the same day if requested. If circumstances allow, our personnel will activate the equipment at the local jail or other court-approved location. In addition to installation, our monitoring coordinators provide a complete equipment orientation for the offender that includes behavior expectations, violations consequences, and equipment care.
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Electronic Monitoring Services

Our GPS unit is a small, one-piece device that does NOT require the offender to have a home phone line. It is water-resistant and can be used while showering without removing the battery.

This ankle bracelet made with no-tamper technology and the industry’s best battery life allows the 3G cellular network along with SCRAM GPS Analytics™ and Google Street View mapping to track an offender’s movements.

Radio Frequency Electronic monitoring consists of a transmitter in the form of a tamper-proof and water-resistant ankle bracelet. Offender Management Services personnel can provide the data for any court proceedings where testimony is required to support violation notifications.

SCRAM TouchPoint™ Mobile App provides smartphone-based supervision of engagement for pretrial, probation, and parole clients. Secure, real-time messaging increases accountability and compliance with clients.

Securus Monitoring Solutions ENROLLINK™ platform is a FREE smartphone app specifically designed to allow enrollees to actively engage with their supervising agent during the monitoring process via text-like messages and read receipts.

VCheck24 is a feature-rich virtual supervision technology built specifically for the criminal justice market.
Make Contact
To schedule a demonstration or for more information about Offender Management Service’s Electronic Monitoring Services, contact our corporate office:
Phone: 803-814-3216
Toll-Free: 1-877-725-7031
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