The control buttons below direct agencies working with OMS to our Client Referral Forms. These three forms are password protected and are the forms to refer new clients, change their schedules, and end their monitoring periods. Please contact us for login credentials to use these functions.
VeriTracks Login
The login button below directs agencies working with Offender Management Services to the VeriTracks secure cloud computing based monitoring software. VeroTracks receives, distributes, and stores all GPS and RF monitoring data transmitted by BluTag and BluHome devices.
The login button below directs agencies working with Offender Management Services to the SCRAMNET secure cloud computing based monitoring software.
Make Contact
To schedule a demonstration or for more information about Offender Management Service’s Electronic Monitoring Services, contact our corporate office:
Phone: 803-814-3216
Toll-Free: 1-877-725-7031
Email: service@offendermanagement.com
Call Now